Shetland Detective Jimmy Perez knows it will be a difficult homecoming when he returns to Fair Isle...
The cause of Alexander the Great's sudden death is no longer in doubt - it was murder. But by whom? ..
Cait is a bookshop owner and book nerd. Her social life revolves around her mobile bookselling servi..
It is the summer holiday and Joe Robinson and his cousins are staying with their granny in Muddlemoo..
Timeslips. Doomsday scenarios. Killer butterflies. Eleven captivating and twisted tales of the macab..
A combination of overwork and lack of sleep propels Julia Fairfax into becoming engaged to a golf-pl..
From what is it they flee?' He took a while to reply. By the time he spoke the men had gone inside. ..
Far away and long ago when dragons still existed and the only arcade game was ping-pong in black and..
The twentieth century is drawing to a close and the Russians are up to all sorts of dirty tricks in ..
Half-witch Kiki never runs from a challenge. So when her thirteenth birthday arrives she's eager to ..
On a summer's day in 1596 a young girl in Stratford-upon-Avon takes to her bed with a fever. Her twi..
When millionaire Leo Speight is found poisoned at his Ayrshire mansion Police Scotland has a tough c..
Cleo Forsum is a bestselling novelist turned scriptwriter whose TV series 'The Baking Detective' is ..
Olive Anderson has accepted that tonight she'll be dining alone without her husband. So when a beaut..
It was one of the most searing images of the twentieth century: two young boys two princes walking b..